Asad sisters guru gossip. A woman marrying outside the religion will be left to the mercy of her husband and god doesn’t want the woman or her future children to be forced to submit to another religion cause of who she married. Asad sisters guru gossip

 A woman marrying outside the religion will be left to the mercy of her husband and god doesn’t want the woman or her future children to be forced to submit to another religion cause of who she marriedAsad sisters guru gossip  I will be happy to start threads for other social media personalities that you would like to discuss

by Dollskay » Wed May 10, 2023 9:54 pm. The Asad Sisters Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Amanda and Loren, a job is not buying stuff online, doing a full Face of makeup every day, eating a salad, and going to the gym for an hour. Ilona935. 1) crying over burnt food. Doesn’t have deals with high end brands. Omar can be happy when he gets a job. And also makes sense why Leena would call him controlling. I think there's more to Amanda just missing her family, when she lived away from them you never heard about how she was constantly missing them. Aw marah looks beautiful when she wears clothes that are actually modest. Yes all the Asad sisters are so very privileged. Arden Rose, Arika Sato, The Asad Sisters, Aspyn Ovard, BRITTNEYLEESAUNDERS, Brooke Miccio,. He seems more outgoing and more adventurous while Amanda is a super rigid and super shy person. Asad sisters guru gossip. Posts: 64. Wash face with Noxema 3. Prophet Muhammad S. It’s cause she didn’t initiate it. Topics Posts Last post; NEWS If you are having any issues please visit Support You must provide. Different if someone is 30 and their husband is 40. The Asad sisters have earned their own topic and we aren’t going to clutter it up with other personalities. But she doesn’t look wealthy. Marah is pretty, she just doesn’t know how to dress herself ever since her body shape changed due to pregnancy & putting on the hijab. Posts: 236. “My two cents on the asad sisters during Ramadan: What broke the camels back for me was leenas dismissive attitude towards umrah and the way she completely trivialized the trip. It’s rarely enforced unless someone complains, but nonetheless it’s not legal. We were discussing how the asad sisters use their white passing looks to get far in the Muslim community & how we like that the beauty standard is shifting away from white features and you said other influencers being better looking than leena doesn’t take away from her beauty which sounds like something sb from the asad clan would say to. I thought the same thing when I first saw her on his page (which I think he now deleted ). Post according to rules of the. The Assad sisters branding and inclusivity are opposites of each other. Mon Nov 14, 2022 3:30 am. Been there, and it was incredibly traumatic. I think rigid Amanda would get multiple nervous breakdowns. They run mosques and madrassas, they have families, they have other careers. She certainly doesn't get truly excited about anything other than clothes, makeup, and her own looks. Posts: 632. This video confirmed that when Omar and Leena took out the PPP loan of 20,833$ they did NOT have an assistant at the time. ↳ History of Guru Gossip; TRASH A GURU; ↳. Re: The Asad Sisters - Wifed and No Life: Part 6. Her attitude does make her appear as a mom. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. She looks and dresses like a boy. Your arrogance regarding hijab makes you much less modest. jpg. Dollskay Talker Posts: 143 Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2022 1:40 am. Basically, she’s an airhead, and has nothing to offer except for her Beauty. She's not showing him because he's short and ugly and she knows everyone is going to drag her for it. Arabic Girls names are much easier to pick so surprised she went with Alaina (smh for that one) Besides, the Prophets were not Arabs nor did they speak Arabic. She is just following her parents example. by gossipgirly111 » Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:36 pm. Moisturize with drugstore brand 4. When you have a Muslim kid who is white passing and has a white/Jewish/American sounding name, it’s going to be much easier to do that and not claim your Muslim heritage. I wanted to give Marah the benefit of the doubt - and tried to, but making a video titled GOING OUT IN PUBLIC WITH HIJAB like it’s some public experiment just screams attention seeking. I think she looks normal. Noha used to always come from Atlanta to the USF campus in Tampa when she didn’t even go to school there. And Loren must be mortified by his dress sense. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. And I think Alaina, through no fault of her own of course, is going to end up exactly the same way. Their life is skin care, applying makeup and drive through coffees. Screenshot 2023-07-02 234119. It’s just a tale as old as time. I have to make specific time to go to the gym after work and only twice a week because I’m so time poor. Even then - Nafia defended her saying Maliha just has that bond with her husband and always records things- but still what kind of fucked up bitch does that to her own sister. Mohammed sounds more sophisticated. Re: The Asad Sisters - Wifed and No Life: Part 6. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker on our website. Subforums: A Model Recommends, acaciacutie, Alexandrea Garza, AlishaMarie, Allison Anderson, Allie Sevdalis, Amelia Liana, Angie Crystal, Anna Saccone, AprilAthena7,. Asad sisters are trash. Lied to cover for plastic surgery recovery time. It is completing half of one's deen. They both use their old parents to be full time unpaid nannies. the asad sisters - i'll use loren as an example - come from a privileged background where they can choose to not go to school and start filming in their rooms (some people might not have their own room let alone a spare room to use as an office whilst in college - most college students are broke lol). Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8 Post by smolb3rry95 » Mon Jun 19, 2023 2:17 pm not going to lie… the name/face reveal of baby J was really sad to me. Uzi is knocking 35 so I would assume it’s gonna happen some time soon. Then theres the Asads in their own world. THAT is "Muslim representation", Asad twits, not Loren modelling a sheer dress at a freaking makeup event. And even with old men it’s a redneck name. Re: The Asad Sisters - Wifed and No Life: Part 6 Post by Toshinori7 » Wed Apr 12, 2023 5:12 am I’m not Muslim so idk if hijab is mandatory or not , however there is something mandatory in my religion… it just gives me the ick seeing Loren say that modern Muslim women no longer wear the hijab. Amanda has shown us that her new role involves doing the dishwasher, looking after the cat and running back "home" every month. Marah has the potential to be more interesting but unfortunately she's too vain and into herself. leena insta story, about over doing her self clean, play with alaina and over working herself. Mustbeuniqke. Most influencers lose their humility as they see the dollars, but with Leena and the sisters, it’s as if they didn’t have any to begin with. Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker on our website. If Loren and Uzi had been upfront and done the “right” thing none of this would have come up or been an issue. zero color or character. smolb3rry95 wrote: ↑. Sweatpants, no makeup, and a bun. If he was tall and decently attractive, she'd be flaunting him non-stop and loving the attention. by jilwang818 » Fri Jun 02, 2023 4:06 pm. by Mustbeuniqke » Mon Jun 19, 2023 1:00 pm. Re: With Love, Leena: Part 2. Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2023 7:45 am. Re: The Asad Sisters - Forever Beige: Part 5. I have to make specific time to go to the gym after work and only twice a week because I’m so time poor. Amelia Liana. The Asad Sisters Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. Last post Re: Amelia Liana Part 10 Wal…. She seems clueless. Amanda puts her relationship with her sisters well above her brand new husband it’s wild. Topics Posts Last post; NEWS If you are having any issues please visit Support You must provide. Which 1. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. This is a discussion board for things that the Asad Sisters show on their social media. Joined: Tue Jan 25, 2022 7:30 pm. This makes me uncomfy… his gf resembles Loren a little too much…. Amanda and Loren are dressing more modestly because the make money and lots of it pandering to a Muslim audience. png. That happens a lot according to what I have read here. I will be happy to start threads for other social media personalities that you would like to discuss. Blubbblubbblubb wrote:I don't want to start a discussion about the roommate topic, but where I live (Europe) it is totally normal an common to live in shared flats and have roommates of different genders, no problem at all. Wed Mar 15, 2023 5:11 am. Fri May 19, 2023 10:40 am. by PastelQueen » Mon Jul 03, 2023 4:44 am. Wed Feb 22, 2023 4:05 am. Also, in expensive cities no student can afford a flat on. by allforthegram » Thu May 11, 2023 7:38 am. And racists are going to know you’re Muslim the minute they see the moe anyway, so might as well go with the classy option. png. It's quite gross when the woman is under twenty three and marrying someone ten years older than her. Go back to the pictures when the girls were little, you can tell their mom was a bit awkward or shy. Here's your daily place to snark on the antics of your favorite influencers and bloggers. And then at the end his “I love you” sounds SO forced. Nov 21, 2022, 2:52 PM UTC milf boner suck pics. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8 Post by Baker89 » Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:02 pm Younus is a way better name than Jonah, plus her kids are 3/4 arab. he greeted his cat before her and showed affection to his cat over his own wife. She only got "married" six months ago. Take meds 5. There is nothing more annoying than a Muslim man who can plays around and yet still gets to marry the girl he always wanted. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8 Post by smolb3rry95 » Sat Jun 24, 2023 10:57 pm also her house looks like a fricken sepia filter. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. by orbitsalad » Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:25 pm. by PastelQueen » Fri Aug 05, 2022 6:01 pm. I. Re: The Bland Clan: The Asad Sisters - Part 7. Marah is pretty, she just doesn’t know how to dress herself ever since her body shape changed due to pregnancy & putting on the hijab. Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:00 pm. Amanda considers herself a newly wed. Look at long Aysha has been in the game and her numbers compared to Leena, thr Muslim community is racist AF and drools over arab wome let alone half arab half white theyll go crazy for you lolThey will drop everything and change themselves for a dude. They’re so incredibly self-obsessed and sheltered. Posts: 70. I think Marah aspires to bigger and better though, hence her wanting to be much bigger on social media. Forum TRASH A GURU Lesser Gossiped About Gurus A-E. The Asad girls also have an advantage in their dating world for looking white IMO, Mohammed said he thought Amanda was a random white girl and when he heard she's Muslim he pretty much went for it. Melanie got divorced. And even Leena can pass as an American name. Tries to brag while she knows that uzi is not a catch and same goes to her. As if Maliha is so perfect. She looks and dresses like a boy. It’s religion as a marketing tool. by Smvalid123 » Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:18 pm. Sat Jul 01, 2023 8:57 pm. They make Loren look matronly and are unflattering. Re: The Asad Sisters - Wifed and No Life: Part 6. That’s why husbands need outside jobs , not just riding the wife’s coattails. Guru Gossip. Leena looks so much happier in Cabo than she did in Umrah. She posted a video of one of the couple's entrances and captured Alaina crying and squirming in Leena's lap with Leena and Amanda desperately trying to get her to be quiet. tar. Site Admin. by detect37 » Sat Jun 10, 2023 6:47 pm. Mohammed will not leave Amanda. Because she is a basic type who copies her whole personality. Yet Amanda and Lauren want to tell you they advocate for the muslim woman and are all about representation LOL. 2) making sure to tell ur audience that ur breaking ur fast by urself. Sat Jul 01, 2023 10:33 pm. these girls say skin tight long sleeves & leggings are modest. They definitely used it for the house or something. Posts: 143. These sisters need to get a dose of reality. Fri Mar 10, 2023 7:59 am. The Asad Sisters Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. It’s so sad. Been there, and it was incredibly traumatic. Tries to act rich while she’s not. Informer. So annoyed they got the loan forgiven. Anyway it looks horrendous on her stories but. Re: Beige, Bland & Boring - The Asad Sisters: Part 8. Just post him. by Knittingmadness » Tue May 30, 2023 5:40 am. The Asad Sisters Ad blocker detected: Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. I find the fact that Amanda flies home when it only takes 5 1/2 hours to drive incredibly wasteful. 52. getting into a med school requires a certain level of luck, even with being a very good prospect, 2. Sat Jun 17, 2023 1:26 pm. The thing is in America nobody under the age of 80 is called moe except Muslim men.